In 1954, The Kiwanis Club of Montgomery began its annual fundraiser by founding the Alabama National Fair. Over the last 65 years, the Kiwanis Club, through its Kiwanis Club of Montgomery Foundation, has given more than $10 million to local charitable organizations. In 2019, the Alabama National Fair was recognized by Kiwanis International as the BEST signature project of any Kiwanis Club in the world! The 2024 Alabama National Fair is scheduled for October 4th-14th!
For more information about the Alabama National Fair, CLICK HERE!

We have nearly 220 members who are actively involved in the River Region. Our civic club meets every Tuesday at 12:15 at the RSA Activity Center located at 201 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36104. Those interested in visiting should contact our Executive Director, Katie Main, kmain@montgomerykiwanis.org, or 334-260-7996.